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Shadowrun: Divided Assets (2E)

$ 10.00

This book is brand new out of the case. However, please be aware that since it was printed over 2 decades ago the copy you receive may not be in pristine condition. As many of the covers stick together, some cover defects and blemishes may be present. We cannot guarantee or cherry pick a particular condition copy for you.

The corps own a piece of everything

To the corporations, everything's an asset to be charted, inventoried, and maintained. Everything is accounted for - even people. But what happens when a particular asset - namely an eight-year-old boy - becomes a pawn in a messy piece of corporate extraction? That's up to the shadowrunners to decide. Unfortunately, all the firepower and magic in the world won't help solve the problem.

Divided Assets is a Shadowrun adventure for use with the Denver boxed set (thought it can be adapted for other locales), and the Shadowrun, Second Edition rules.